Live-fire simulation equipment

We deliver a wide variety of simulators that realistically create the acoustical and visual impressions of tank, anti-tank weapons, or hostile fire weapon systems.

Muzzle flash simulator

The Muzzle Flash Simulator & Target Illumination realistically replicates visual light effects, such as the flashes seen from rifles, pistols, or tanks. It's also designed to illuminate target silhouettes, making it ideal for nighttime firing exercises. Users can choose between single shot or multiple shot flash modes.

Infrared light simulator

The simulator is a combination of a target illumination and infrared device that can simulate permanent lightning, muzzle flashes of rifle, pistol or tank weapons and IR illumination. It is visible by naked eye or assisted vision in day or nighttime conditions.

Battle effects simulator

The Battle Effects Simulator (BES) offers a realistic training experience by simulating both the visual and auditory effects of hostile fire and successful hits on enemy targets. This provides a training environment that mirrors the stress and conditions found in actual combat situations, beneficial for both trainees and seasoned shooters. Specifically designed to be integrated with TTS advanced targets, the simulator replicates the effects of hostile fire and hits in Force-on-Target Live-Fire Training.

The simulator uses a variety of pyrotechnic cartridges to mimic combat scenarios: from explosions and gunfire of different calibers to artillery, mortars, and different smoke signals. Its standard setup can hold 60 cartridges, but configurations holding 6 or 36 cartridges are available upon request.

For flexible operations, the simulator allows for the grouping of pyrotechnic device chambers into firing zones. These launchers maintain a steady firing rate of one cartridge per second without interruptions or the need for manual intervention. Impressively, it can fire two cartridges simultaneously in the same zone, and if there's a break in the sequence, firing picks up from the next position in line.

Smoke effects simulator

Our Smoke Effect Simulator authentically reproduces the visual presence of smoke, offering an immersive training experience. Designed to emulate the visual hit indications through battlefield smoke, it provides multiple discharge modes to best match the intended effect.

Thermal imaging simulator

We offer two thermal imaging simulators based on our customer's needs - heating foil for target silhouette or a heating system for target silhouette. Both systems are used to heat target silhouettes of infantry or armor targets which creates a realistic visual effect on the target when viewed through night vision devices or IR systems.

The Thermal Imaging Simulator generates visual representations of infantry or armored targets when viewed through thermal night-vision or infrared (IR) systems. By capturing thermal radiation with a thermal imaging camera, the entire target silhouette becomes distinguishable. The system's distinct capability comes from its use of short-wave infrared radiation. For silhouette illumination, it employs a potent heat source that emits infrared light within the wavelength range of 780 nm to 1400 nm.

Sound effects simulator

The Sound Effect Simulator (SES) replicates the auditory environment of hostile fire, offering the military personnel an authentic training experience that closely mirrors the pressures found in actual combat situations. The simulator boasts the capacity to play up to 100 distinct pre-recorded sounds. These sound files can be easily stored or adjusted using a standard computer equipped with a USB stick. This USB, which is pre-loaded and housed in a robust, water and dust-proof casing, ensures that any operationally relevant sound can be added to optimize the training experience.

Theissen Training Systems International NV
Industrieweg-Noord 1150,
3660 Oudsbergen, Belgium

Phone +32 89 65 13 70
Fax +49 (211) 97504-33


Theissen Training Systems, Inc.
S3705 SW 42nd Ave, Gainesville,
FL 32608, United States

Phone +1 (352) 490-8020
Fax +1 (352) 490-7788

2024 Theissen Training Systems GmbH ©. All Rights Reversed.